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Improved Kienyeji (Hybrid) Chickens

Improved Kienyeji (Hybrid) Chickens are a type of chicken that is specifically bred to combine the desirable traits of traditional indigenous (Kienyeji) chickens with those of exotic breeds. These hybrids are designed to offer the hardiness and adaptability of local breeds while improving productivity in terms of both meat and egg production.

Kienyeji Chickens: The term “Kienyeji” refers to indigenous or traditional chickens in Kenya, which are well-known for their resilience, ability to scavenge, and disease resistance. However, they typically have lower productivity in terms of egg-laying and meat production compared to exotic breeds.

Improved Kienyeji Chickens are crossbreeds between the local Kienyeji chickens and exotic breeds (such as Rhode Island Red, Leghorn, or Cornish), resulting in a chicken that retains the hardiness of the indigenous chickens, but with improved production traits. The aim is to create a bird that is better suited for small-scale and semi-commercial farming, particularly in Kenya and other East African regions.

Some popular types of Improved Kienyeji Chickens in Kenya include:

  • SASSO: Originating from France where it was developed by the SASSO company (Sélection Avicole de la Sarthe et du Sud-Ouest), the breed was created to meet the growing demand for a hardy, slow-growing chicken that could be raised in free-range and semi-intensive systems, offering high-quality meat and eggs.
  • Kenbro: Developed by Kenchic Ltd, a leading poultry company in Kenya, the breed was created to meet the needs of Kenyan farmers for a robust, dual-purpose chicken that could thrive in the local environment while providing better productivity than traditional indigenous breeds. Kenbro chickens are designed for small-scale farmers and those operating semi-commercial farms. They are especially suitable for farmers who want to raise chickens for both meat and egg production, with an emphasis on resilience and lower maintenance costs.
  • Kuroiler: A popular breed developed in India by Keggfarms Pvt. Ltd. as a hybrid chicken, specifically designed to improve rural poultry farming. The breed was created by crossing indigenous Indian chickens with commercial broilers and layers, resulting in a chicken that is both resilient and productive. Kuroilers were introduced to East Africa, including Kenya, as a solution to the challenges faced by small-scale farmers. The breed quickly gained popularity due to its adaptability, productivity, and ability to thrive in free-range and semi-intensive systems.
  • Rainbow Rooster: Another popular breed in Kenya, Rainbow Roosters are known for their colorful plumage, good egg production, and ability to grow quickly to a marketable weight.

Characteristics of Improved Kienyeji Chickens

  • Improved Egg Production: Unlike traditional Kienyeji chickens that may lay around 40-100 eggs per year, Improved Kienyeji chickens can lay between 200-280 eggs annually, depending on management and feeding.
  • Better Growth Rate: Improved Kienyeji chickens grow faster than their indigenous counterparts, reaching market weight more quickly. While pure Kienyeji chickens may take over six months to reach a slaughter weight of about 1.5-2 kg, improved varieties can achieve this in 4-5 months.
  • Dual-Purpose Breed: These chickens are typically bred for both meat and eggs, making them versatile for farmers who want to diversify their production.
  • Hardiness: Improved Kienyeji chickens retain the ability to thrive in various environmental conditions, similar to traditional Kienyeji chickens. They can forage for food, are less susceptible to diseases compared to pure exotic breeds, and can withstand the harsh climates often found in rural Kenya.
  • Resistance to Diseases: While they still require vaccinations and good management, improved Kienyeji chickens tend to be more resistant to common poultry diseases than exotic breeds.

Benefits of Raising Improved Kienyeji Chickens

  • Economic Viability: Improved Kienyeji chickens offer better returns on investment due to their higher productivity compared to traditional Kienyeji chickens.
  • Market Demand: There is a growing demand for Kienyeji chickens in Kenya, particularly in urban areas, where consumers are willing to pay a premium for chicken perceived as healthier and more organic.
  • Adaptability: They can be raised in both free-range and semi-intensive systems, making them suitable for various farming environments.
  • Lower Maintenance Costs: Compared to pure exotic breeds, improved Kienyeji chickens require less intensive care and are more cost-effective in terms of feeding and healthcare.


  • Access to Quality Chicks: Farmers need to ensure they are purchasing genuine improved Kienyeji chicks from reputable suppliers to avoid issues related to poor genetics. Merulands Ltd. remains committed to being your trusted supplier of Improved Kienyeji chicks.
  • Management Requirements: Although hardy, improved Kienyeji chickens still require good management practices, including proper feeding, vaccination, and housing, to realize their full production potential.

Improved Kienyeji (Hybrid) Chickens offer a balanced solution for farmers in Kenya, combining the hardiness of indigenous breeds with the productivity of exotic breeds. They are an excellent choice for those looking to engage in poultry farming with the aim of producing both eggs and meat, particularly in areas where environmental conditions might be challenging for pure exotic breeds.

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