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Poultry Vet Products

Merulands Ltd. is dedicated to ensuring the success of poultry farmers by providing a complete range of veterinary drugs, vaccines, disinfectants, and biohazard control products. Our solutions are designed to prevent, manage, and eliminate health risks, ensuring your flock remains healthy and productive from day one to market readiness.

Poultry Veterinary Drugs We Offer:

1. Antibiotics

Essential for treating and preventing bacterial infections, ensuring your flock remains healthy and productive. These are used to control common respiratory, digestive, and other bacterial diseases that can impact poultry health.

2. Anticoccidials

Protects against coccidiosis, a parasitic disease that affects the intestines of poultry. Effective in both preventing and treating this condition, which is a major concern for farmers.

3. Dewormers

Used to eliminate internal parasites like worms, which can weaken birds and reduce their productivity. Deworming is vital for maintaining a healthy and efficient flock.

4. Multivitamins and Supplements

Boosts immunity, enhances growth, and supports recovery during stress or illness. These supplements are crucial during extreme weather conditions, post-vaccination, or during recovery from disease.

Poultry Vaccines We Offer:

1. Viral Disease Vaccines

Protect your flock from highly contagious viral infections, such as New Castle Disease and Marek’s Disease, which can cause significant losses if not managed proactively.

2. Bacterial Disease Vaccines

Prevent bacterial infections that can lead to chronic health issues, affecting your flock’s productivity. Vaccination against diseases like Fowl Cholera helps maintain a healthy flock.

3. Parasitic Disease Vaccines

Provides protection against parasitic diseases like coccidiosis, reducing the risk of outbreaks and economic losses.

Disinfectants and Biohazard Control Products:

1. Disinfectants

Essential for maintaining biosecurity on your farm by eliminating harmful pathogens from surfaces, equipment, and housing. Regular use of disinfectants reduces the risk of disease outbreaks and ensures a safe environment for your flock.

2. Sanitizers

Used for hand and equipment sanitization, ensuring that anyone handling the birds or their environment does not introduce harmful germs. These are vital for preventing the spread of disease between different areas of the farm.

3. Biosecurity Products

Includes footbaths, protective clothing, and other biosecurity measures that prevent the introduction and spread of diseases on your farm. These products are crucial for maintaining a disease-free environment, especially when new birds or visitors enter the farm.

Why Choose Our Veterinary, Vaccination, and Biosecurity Products?

  • Comprehensive Health Management: Our range of products covers all aspects of poultry health, from disease prevention to biosecurity, ensuring your flock is protected at every stage.
  • Proactive Disease Prevention: With our vaccines, disinfectants, and biohazard control measures, you can prevent diseases before they occur, saving costs and reducing losses.
  • Expert Support: Our knowledgeable team is ready to provide guidance on the proper use of all our products, ensuring you implement the best practices for your farm.
  • Consistent Supply: We guarantee a steady supply of all essential products so that your farm operates smoothly without interruptions.

Our mission is to provide everything you need to maintain a healthy, productive, and safe poultry farm. From veterinary care to disease prevention and biosecurity, we are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring your farm thrives from day one.